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About Perspective Doctrine
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The Churches of Christ & Christian Churches OAC
There are aspects of our lives and civilization
that would seem god-like to our ancient ancestors. And yet, despite the power
and capabilities of our science and tech, we are just as frail, flawed and
fallible as those living two- thousand years ago. We sin. We die. We are all
mere mortals with shame and deep regrets who simply cannot save ourselves from
dust and ash.
Our mortal limitations also include epistemology and hermeneutics. Many things
that we believe and assume, no matter how compelling, are beyond our ability to
know with certainty. Any data we encounter, including Scripture, is interpreted.
None of us are infallible. While we recognize that much consensus exists between
faith-traditions, an aspect of our Restorationist heritage is a caution about
being dogmatic over some of the stuff of theological/metaphysical speculation
that we cannot know with certainty. Conflicting convictions derived through
faith, tradition, and reason warrants discussion and debate between believers.
These, though, can be charitable. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ
rather than being smart enough to figure it all out.
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