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The Churches of Christ & Christian Churches OAC


The Churches of Christ & Christian Churches OAC is a brotherhood of Orthodox Christian faith, committed to Apostolic Tradition derived from Scripture (2 Thess 2:15). While we recognize that the Lord’s Church was publicly launched on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2), our OAC brotherhood emerged from a faith-heritage that found its traction out on the American frontier of the early 1800s—during the Second Great Awakening.

This faith-heritage has been historically referred to as the Stone-Campbell/Restoration Movement. It was led by clergy who had become fed up with the sectarian fractures within much of the Presbyterian tradition of their day—divisions driven by differing interpretations of the Westminster Confession. A restoration of the ancient tradition of Apostolic faith and practice, as derived from a fresh study of the New Testament, was offered as a biblical basis for a more unified Church leading to more effective evangelism. Also, these Restorationists saw themselves as Reformers who were continuing the work of Luther and Calvin, yet free of sectarian identity and baggage—to be Christians only while insisting that they were not the only Christians.

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